CSR Code is a code used to ensure the security of websites. CSR (Certificate Signing Request) stands for Certificate Signing Request. The CSR code, which is generated by the web server and contains data about the website, is required to obtain an SSL certificate. An SSL certificate enables websites to establish a secure connection by encrypting the data transfer. The CSR code is most commonly needed for paid SSL certificate installations.
How to create a CSR code may vary depending on the web hosting panel you are using. In common panels such as cPanel or Plesk, you can create a CSR code from the SSL/TLS section. When creating a CSR code, you need to enter information such as your website's domain name, country code, city, organization name. Now let's examine how we can create these codes on the Plesk and Cpanel side.
First of all, we log in to our cPanel account. Then we reach the main SSL configuration settings by following the Security - SSL/TLS steps.
Click on Generate, view, or delete SSL certificate signing requests just below CERTIFICATE SIGNING REQUESTS (CSR) on the side.
In the field that appears, fill in your information according to your own preferences.
Domains: Enter the domain name of your website. You must enter without https and www.
City: Enter the city where your company is located. For example; Ankara
State: Enter your district name. For example; Mamak
Country: Select your country. For example TR (Turkey)
Company Enter your company name. For example: Hostider
Other fields are not mandatory. You can enter them or leave them blank. Important fields are indicated with an asterisk (*).
You can complete the certificate creation process by clicking the Generate button at the bottom.
After your process is completed, you can take the entire section starting with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- and ending with -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- in the Encoded Certificate Signing Request: section, including the beginning and end, and use it in appropriate areas.
Creating CSR code on Plesk panel is as easy as cPanel. For this, we first log in to our Plesk panel. After logging in to our domain name details, we log in to the details by clicking the Security - SSL/TLS Certificates button.
On the incoming screen, we click the + Add SSL/TLS Certificate button.
We fill in all the mandatory fields according to ourselves. Mandatory fields are transmitted with an asterisk (*).
Certificate name: You can write anything you want here. For example: Positive SSL
Bits: You can choose 2048 or 4096. Depending on what your certificate supports.
Country: Select your country. For example: Turkey
State or province: Type your city. For example: Ankara
Location (city): You can write your district. For example: Mamak
Organization name (company): The name of your company. For example Hostider
Domain name: yourdomain.tld For example: hostider.net
E-mail: [email protected]
After your transactions, we create our CSR code by clicking the Request button. To view the code, click on the record we just created.
We can get our code from the CSR section just below the detail section.
In this article, we shared how you can get the CSR code for cPanel and Plesk, which are popular control panels. You can request support by contacting us for any possible questions and problems.